Monday, March 12, 2012

I'm Alright

I used to be clumsy. Not as clumsy as some, but still clumsy. I remember vividly walking into walls on more than one occasion and falling down a flight of stairs in high school. After the flight of stairs incident, I began to walk a bit slower. Take my time and know exactly where my feet were going. That in itself didn’t help with the walking into walls thing. I continued to do that all through high school.

I remember a specific day as I was walking in downtown Akron, Ohio I slipped a bit. I caught myself before falling completely, but when I turned to see what had caused my misstep, I saw a banana peel. I didn’t see it before, but there it was. I actually slipped on a banana peel.

I’m not sure if clumsiness is hereditary, but if it is, my children were certain to get the gene. Especially my daughter Candace. She has struggled with this throughout her life. She’d fall, and before she could even assess the situation, would quickly say, “I’m alright.”Falling down stairs, running into walls (or falling through walls), or tripping over something are everyday occurrences for her.

In my recent Bible searches, I came across the small book of Jude. Have you ever read it? Recently? I hadn’t. It’s only one chapter. 25 verses. It is a short letter written to a group of believers. We don’t know who, but it was a disturbing situation for certain.

This group of believers had been infiltrated by some who felt that they could continue in sin. They believed that they had already been saved and didn’t need to live a Godly life. Jude clearly states that this is an untruth. The real problem was that they were leading others into this belief as well. This is just a portion of the encouragement Jude gives.

“Build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others who mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.” Jude 20-22

I love the phrase, “snatch others from the fire to save them.” It is such a vivid reminder for us to keep watch for brothers and sisters who are being led astray. We must not allow false teachers or even other believers to change the Gospel. For any reason.

But the reason I bring up the book of Jude is the last section of the book. Remember, I was talking about clumsiness and falling. Well Jude encourages once again against falling. Not physical, but spiritual falling. He closes his letter with this Doxology.

“To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forever more! Amen.” Jude 23-25

Jude gives us another wonderful reminder that we can be kept from falling. Through our faith and trust, God is able lend us a helping hand. His gracious helping hand. All you have to do is reach for it.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,


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