Monday, March 26, 2012

Car Seats

I have two car seats in the back seat of my car. One for my granddaughter Joy who is 5 years old and one for my grandson Percy who is 1 year old. Those car seats certainly fill the back seat!

Before I needed two, I used to remove Joy’s seat from the car after each visit and replace it as needed. That got to be a little tiresome, so eventually I began leaving it in the car until I absolutely had to take it out.

I then realized something. Each time I looked into my back seat and saw that car seat, I knew someone loved me. I knew that regardless of what happened or what I did, someone loved me.

Now I have two car seats in my car! That means double the love! My heart is filled with love and joy when I look at those seats.

I’m sure you understand. There is probably something that you see that reminds you of how someone loves you. Perhaps your wedding band. Or a picture. Or maybe it is a location. Whatever it might be, when you see it, you know that someone loves you.

There are a few things that remind me that God loves me as well. Each time I see one, I know how much God loves me and what He was willing to do to so that I might be His child. I’ll share a few, but perhaps you have some of your own.

The Bible
I’ve had many through my lifetime, and in fact, have several sitting on my shelf right now. I’ve had leather and hard cover. Large and small. Small print and large print. I’ve even had different colors. But they have all meant the same thing. That God’s love for mankind was so great that He wanted to share His love with us. We read about His plan and His love in His Book.

The Lord’s Supper
As I sit with the emblems of the Lord’s Supper in my hands each week, I am reminded of God’s great love for me. What He was willing to do for me. That He would offer His Son as the sacrifice for the world. The representation of His shed blood and broken body bring me back to that point each week. To remember His love.

The Cross
In recent years, I was given a gold cross necklace by a dear friend. I couldn’t recall ever having one before. It has come to be an important piece of jewelry for me and I wear it quite often. As I put it on, I am reminded once again of God’s love for me. That Jesus suffered through it all, for me. I wear this symbol for all to see what great love the Father has for His children.

Maybe there are other things that bring your thoughts to God during the day. I pray that you do. I know that if my thoughts are directed to Jesus just a few more times each day, there will be less thoughts of this world in my head. More thoughts of God’s love will push out my own selfish thoughts.

I’m only sharing one verse of Scripture today. But it covers so much. It shows us how much God loves us.

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” (1 John 4:9-10)

Car seats and love. For me, it’s what it’s all about…well at least part of it. What about you? What do you see that reminds you that someone loves you? I’d love to hear about it!

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,


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