Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fish Fry

My two brothers have been busy fishing. In just a few days, they caught over 60 fish. Now the fun begins. We had a fish fry last night with a portion of my family. For those who were sick, we certainly missed you.

Fried fish, cornbread, hush puppies, corn on the cob, cole slaw, potato wedges, Frisch’s tartar sauce, Carvel Ice Cream Cake and cheese cake made up the menu. It was as good as it sounds!

We are a family that loves fish. Always have. Always will. Some love to fish. Some love to eat fish.

When my oldest child, Philip, was 3 years old, we went to my Grandma Rich’s house for a fish fry. By the end of the day, Philip had hoarded several pieces of that fish into his sister’s diaper bag. He loved Grandma’s fish and he wanted some for later!

I wish I had been on the shore when Jesus prepared breakfast for His disciples in John 21. The disciples weren’t certain of their role in the world any longer. Their Teacher had died and rose from the dead. He popped in and out of their lives and they really never knew when He’d show up the next time.

The fishermen of the group went fishing. Now it may have been that it was what they knew they could return to. It could have been they needed something to eat. It could have been they had their most valuable thinking sessions on a boat. I don’t know the exact reason they went fishing, but they did.

They didn’t catch a single fish during the night and early in the morning, a man from shore called to them. “’Friends, haven’t you any fish?’ ‘No,’ they answered. He said, ‘Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.’”

The disciples did so and the nets were filled to over flowing. Then the recognized Him. John proclaimed, “It is the Lord!” At that moment, Peter ran to shore to be with Jesus.

When the others joined them, they saw Jesus cooking fish over an open fire. He asked for some of the fish they just caught and said, “Come and have breakfast.” Jesus served the disciples fish and bread on that shore.

None of the disciples dared ask who this man was. They knew it was Jesus. He had come to them again. It was the third time He appeared to them since His resurrection.

On a side note, there were 153 fish that were caught and the nets were not torn. Jesus provided for this group of followers. Physically as well as spiritually.

How I would love to eat fresh fish, prepared by my Lord over an open fire on the shore. To hear His words, “Come and have breakfast.”

But, I believe I partake each time I enter into God’s Word. Each time I study what God has to say to me, I am being fed by the Master. I pray that I will never take it for granted. Simply enjoy the feast.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,


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