Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Diamond Tree

Years ago, my Grandparents had a terraced garden in their small backyard. They always had great success and many of us were beneficiaries of their efforts. One particular year, Grandpa was laid up after surgery and was not able to help out as he usually did. They asked if I’d like to help. Of course I said yes!

I enjoyed the time I spent at Grandma and Grandpa’s. You knew you’d be well fed and would have a chance to hear Grandpa’s newest tale. But during this particular summer, I was in the garden on most visits. Weeding, watering, pruning, and staking were daily tasks and to be honest, it was therapeutic.

After one particular visit, I noticed that the diamond from my engagement ring was missing. Somewhere in that garden lay my precious stone. It was discouraging to me. I quickly recovered and knew I’d never retrieve it from the soil or the produce. I joked with my Grandparents that if a diamond tree were produced, the diamonds would be mine!

I find it interesting that in Matthew 13, Jesus shares parables with the crowds and the disciples relating the Kingdom of Heaven to several earthly illustrations, most involving working the land in planting or harvesting: 
  • The Parable of the Sower – hearing the message of the kingdom and how each person responds to it
  • The Parable of the Weeds – speaks of the growth of the kingdom of heaven
  • The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast – the productivity of the kingdom of heaven
  • The Parable of the Hidden Treasure – the priceless value of our eternal life
  • The Parable of the Pearl – what am I willing to give up for that greatest treasure?
  • The Parable of the Net – victory for the righteous

Jesus ends this section of parables with this verse. “Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his store room new treasures as well as old.” (Matthew 13:52) As a teacher, this concept is a wonderful revelation. Not only are we to teach the old treasures, but the new as well. I love that God continues to show me new treasures each time I enter into His presence and spend time in His Word.

We can learn a few lessons from these parables. First, we see that we are never to stop learning. Dig deep. Search for those hidden treasures in God’s Word. Be open to His guidance, and you will be rewarded with renewed passion for the old treasures and exhilaration for the new.

Secondly, what are you willing to sacrifice for God’s Kingdom? Don’t skim over this question or say you’ll think about it later. If you can’t give an answer, might I suggest that you aren’t sacrificing anything? Clearly we are called to give up everything for the Pearl of Great Price. It is the only way we can find our identity in the Kingdom.

That garden never produced a diamond tree. It did however produce very good vegetables, some bonding time with my Grandparents, and a time of reflection for me. Perhaps that hidden treasure is still there, but I know it won’t be found by me.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,


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