Until now. This week we have studied chapter 3. And chapter 3 verse 1 of James is one that most teachers of Scripture know. “Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” (James 3:1 – NIV)
I understand
that teaching is not something to take lightly. Not only as I lead women in
studying God’s Word, but even as I write this blog, I am teaching.
this passage is always in the back of my mind.
in this study, I’ve learned more about this verse and I’d like to share some of
what Beth Moore has to say about it.[i]
reminds the teachers who are studying this book that there are “a handful of
land mines that go with the territory.” Here are the things she shared:
The temptation to teach more than we
The capacity to mislead.
The capacity to be misled.
The temptation to use the platform
for personal agendas or opinions.
The demand for self-discipline.
The pride and humiliation.
my. Yes there are some “land mines” that go along with teaching. These will
lead to disaster.
Beth Moore doesn’t stop here. She encourages those who feel led to teach to
teach. To be honest, there is nothing else a teacher can do except teach.
makes another statement that I am living proof of. “God often likes to teach
the bigger lesson to the teacher.”[ii]
I prepare to teach or lead or write, I know the extra weight I take upon
myself. I know that each sentence I speak or write will be critiqued. I know
that what I say must be truth.
is why I dig into God’s Word more and more to find those truths. If it isn’t in
God’s Word, I will not put it to pen or into words. I’ve had to rethink some of
my own beliefs because of this very task.
found that some things that I’ve been taught in the past don’t line up with God’s
way of thinking. If it doesn’t line up, it cannot be true.
I am
also a firm believer that you, as a student or reading, should not take
everything I say or write for complete truth. I am human. I make mistakes. I would
urge you to evaluate all that is read in my blog. Study it to make certain that
my words line up with God’s Word. In doing so, you’ll be growing yourself and
gaining new wisdom and insight into Scripture.
you a teacher? I pray that you have a greater understanding of your role in
light of God’s Word.
you sit under a teacher? I pray that you are not presuming that teacher knows
all. Take the time to understand God’s Word for yourself.
of which role you are playing, know that it is God’s desire for you to hold His
Scripture close to your heart, to understand what He has to say, and to obey
all that God has placed within Scripture.
119 is filled with verses to give us examples of this truth. Psalm 119:11;
Psalm 119: 16; Psalm 119:28; Psalm 119:43; Psalm 119:74; Psalm 119:103; Psalm
119:105; Psalm 119:114; Psalm 119:130; and Psalm 119:161.
although my words may not be perfect, God’s Word is flawless. “The words of the Lord are flawless, like
silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times.” (Psalm 12:6 -
NIV) See Psalm 18:30 for further confirmation.
33:4 (NIV) tells us “For the Word of the
Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.” God’s Word will not
fail us. He is always right. He is always true. He is always faithful.
as we study, teach or listen to God’s Words being presented, keep in mind that
we each have a responsibility. To know the Bible. I pray that you’ll find great
joy, many blessings, and deeper devotion because you are reading and studying God’s
and peace be yours in abundance,
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