I am getting on an airplane headed for Ohio.
direct flight from Denver to Dayton is $100 more than a flight from Colorado
Springs to Denver to Dayton.
I got up early, passed Denver International Airport to arrive in Colorado
Springs. I will fly back to DIA and then take the same direct flight from
Denver to Dayton.
I wondered
if I would be able to just get on the plane in Denver. Mason didn’t seem to
think that would be a good idea. It’s a good thing the flight from Colorado
Springs doesn’t take off until 9:15 a.m.
will get to Ohio, just by a roundabout way.
were several people in Scripture who, like me, took their time getting to where
they needed to be.
The Israelites
the desert for 40 years. Wandering about. Wearing the same clothes. Eating the
same food. Walking the same roads. It must have been frustrating, but God’s
lesson through it all was to learn to depend upon Him. Obey His commands. Live wholly
committed to God. That is all He ever wanted from the Israelites, and that is
exactly what He wants from us.
to go to Nineveh. Chose not to go. Boarded a ship. Thrown off the ship. Swallowed
by a large fish. Deposited by the same fish three days later onto land. Continued
to Nineveh. Jonah ran from God. We are guilty of doing the same. When we are
called to do something difficult, it is easy to run instead of depend upon God
for the strength, wisdom, and desire to carry out the task.
understand. Does not do what he wants to do. Does what he hates. Romans 7:15
can be confusing. “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do
not do, but what I hate I do.” But aren’t we again, just like Paul? Doing what
we know we shouldn’t and ignoring what we should? Paul urges us to be mindful
of our actions and know that we have abundant life through the Spirit.
I will get to Ohio in a roundabout way, but in the process I’ve learned how
saints of the past have dealt with their own misdirection. Let’s learn to stick
to God’s path. It will always lead us exactly where we need to go.
“My steps have held to your paths; my
feet have not stumbled.” (Psalm 17:5)
and peace be yours in abundance,
Oh, I love the connections you have made here! What a wonderful way to think about travel and reaching destinations. Thank you for this. (I don't think I'll ever be able to hiss at the number of connecting flights I have to take again!)