Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I didn’t want to write a blog post today. I’m tired…mentally and physically. I arrived in Ohio to help care for my Mom after recent back surgery only to find she had been readmitted to the hospital. Prayers for her continued healing are greatly appreciated.

Several years ago, Mom published a cook book of her many delicious recipes with some wonderful stories. She asked each of her children to write a little bit for the forward. My first draft was vetoed (by my Mom)…the second draft was accepted.

So I’m sharing my first draft with you today. I pray that you will be able to see the wonderful woman she is through my words.

My Mom is a balcony person in my life. What is balcony person? They are the people in your life who are always on your side. They will cheer you on when no one else seems to. They believe in you and they see the vision of what God made you to be.

Mom sacrificed so that I could take voice lessons in high school because she thought I had a good voice and that voice lessons would make my voice great. Mom sold a set of silver salt and pepper shakers when I became engaged so that I could buy the wedding dress she knew I’d look stunning in.

My children know that Grandma is on their side as well. She’s the one that spent hours with Philip helping him to find a job and encouraging him to keep looking.

She was at as many of Candace’s high school dramas that she could and really enjoyed each one she attended!

Mom was thrilled about her grandchild’s (Bethany) elopement and the birth of her first great grandchild, Joy. Even more by the birth of her second great grandchild, Percy.

Mom has always said that her grandchildren have a safe haven at her home.

When we are with Mom, we may not always hear what we want to hear, but that’s another characteristic of a balcony person. They believe and expect you can change. They don’t believe that what you were yesterday will hinder you from being what you are today or what you can become tomorrow.

Mom has held the standard high for me and that’s okay. She’s also taught me how to be a balcony person for my own children and grandchildren. I know first-hand how much it means to be an encourager to my children.

We see a glimpse of the ultimate encourager in the Bible, Barnabas. Barnabas had God’s heart for people. He sold property to help those in need, he accepted Paul for what he had become, and encouraged the church leaders to accept Paul as well.

Barnabas embraced Gentile believers and encouraged them to continue to seek God’s grace. Barnabas was willing go to bat for a young man that Paul didn’t believe was suitable to be a traveling companion.

Barnabas had a gift. The gift to encourage anyone who crossed his path, regardless of who they were.

The lesson we can learn from Barnabas and my Mom is that everyone needs encouragement. Everyone needs a balcony person. Don’t pass up an opportunity to let someone know how much they mean to you and to God.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,


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