Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Prayer Walk - Part 3

I have been sharing a prayer walk I wrote earlier this year over the past two days. If you missed reading Part 1 and Part 2, you can find them through the archive in the right margin of this blog. Happy praying!

Station #6 – Markers (Spiritual Rock)

Here we see markers that give us information. They are markers to show the type of plants that are growing in this park. You have seen versions of these signs in other places. In memorial parks, along the roadside to show a historical point, or to make mention of a particular person or event.

There are other markers as well. Remember the one in the TV show M.A.S.H.? It was a pole with arrows pointing to their hometowns and how far away they were. Journey markers are the roadside direction signs that show how far away you are from distant locations. Journey markers have become very popular. Not only can they be attractive and fun, but the personal stories attached are real!

The Old Testament is full of such markers. One in particular is after the Israelites crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land. God instructed 12 men to pick up 12 stones from the center of the Jordan River and build a memorial where they camped. It was to tell the story of how God led them to this particular point in their lives. A real story.

In the journey of life we have events or thoughts that mark significant times along the way.  We can choose to mark them or not, but if it tells a story, why not mark it? If someone can learn from our experience, why not share it?

Maybe it is a verse of Scripture in a frame, or a plaque that is especially important. Maybe you could write your name on a stone or perhaps something else. Something of meaning. Something special to you or the event. But then, be sure to tell the story. Share the story. With family, friends, or anyone who will listen. Mark your spiritual journey.

At this station, we will praise God for being our Spiritual Rock. Think of the three elements below in relation to this topic.

1) The hope to which he called you (that you followed markers to be where you are today);
2) The riches of his glorious inheritance (for being able to tell your story);
3) His incomparably great power (to keep you following future markers).

Station #7 – Demonstration Garden (God of New Life)

Demonstration gardens allow community residents and professionals the opportunity to see how certain plants handle the climate and environment of the area. They are wonderful tools for locals to learn techniques and maintenance procedures.

In this particular garden, there is little new growth. Nothing new is planted. There’s a broken tree limb. This garden is planned for future renovation, but right now, nothing new is growing here. It seems lifeless.

We can become that way in our spiritual lives. Where there is no new growth and we’ve turned brown and lifeless. Fortunately, we can call on the God of New Life to help us become rejuvenated.

Ezekiel 36:26 tells us, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” A new heart and new spirit create new energy, new desires, new tastes, and new hope.

1) The hope to which he called you (the new life you have because of God);
2) The riches of his glorious inheritance (your new life is for eternity);
3) His incomparably great power (that God is able to produce life…even from death).

Station #8 – Shelter (Everlasting Arms)

This is a basic architectural structure or building that provides cover. In parks, some may be reserved and others are available on a first come first served basis. You’ve heard of storm shelters and bomb shelters and these are there for protection. Here we can find shelter from a storm, the wind, the sun, and the cold.

Deuteronomy 33:27a tells us, “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” In His arms we have refuge. In His arms we find protection. With God, we are in the shelter of His loving arms.

Life is so much easier within the arms of our heavenly Father. Regardless of your struggle today, run into His arms. There you will find all that you’ve been looking for.

1) The hope to which he called you (the protection you have because you are within God’s arms);
2) The riches of his glorious inheritance (the gift of eternal God);
3) His incomparably great power (His protection from all the storms of life).

I pray that these few days have helped you along the journey. That you’ll be able to read through this prayer walk when you need to step a little closer to God. I’m fortunate to be able to walk in this area whenever I want. For that I am thankful.

I pray that you bring the Potter, the Fountain of Living Water, the Branch of Righteousness, Zealous God, the Breath of the Almighty, the Spiritual Rock, the God of New Life, God with Everlasting Arms alongside in your journey. He will make it all worthwhile.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,


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