Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Building a Doll House: The Plan - Chapter 2

NOTE: If you missed Chapter 1, Building a Doll House: And So It Begins - Chapter 1, you can find it in the column under "blog archive" to the right.

We had a kit. We had supplies. We had a plan. We had nearly four months to complete the project for Joy’s Christmas gift. We got started immediately. Mason pulled out every piece and placed a “sticky note” on it with the part number and the number of pieces. He read through the directions and felt they weren’t adequate, so he found a great website that had step-by-step instructions (with photos) on how to build this particular house. We found this resource to be extremely useful throughout the project.

My project was to design each room. The color scheme, wall paper, flooring, and décor of each room was especially exciting to work on. I spent hours looking for the perfect items. In addition to this, I also searched the Bible to find a verse to write on each surface that related to the purpose of each room. Each verse is hand-written under the wall paper, flooring, or shingles. My prayer is that when the wall paper or shingles fall off of this house, my great-grandchildren will see a message from me (and God).

Mason gathered tools and supplies. Lots of tools and supplies. Here’s a list: rulers, squares, saws, clamps, air hammer, glue, pin nails, tape, paint, paint brushes, electrical tools, pencils, sandpaper, and tables. Pretty soon, the loft was overtaken by all things doll house related. Our work station and planning were complete. It was time to actually start building the doll house.

We used a lot, a lot of clamps. Of various shapes and sizes, these supports kept pieces in place while the glue dried or they served as extra “hands” when the task got a bit difficult. Without the clamps some of the work on the house would be impossible, difficult or perhaps delayed. Occasionally we’d come to a spot where none of the clamps would work and in those situations we’d simply hold a piece in place or hope the pin nails would keep it exactly where it was supposed to be until the glue dried. These were not fun times and it made us very thankful for the clamps when we were able to use them.

God gave us several tools to help us through difficult times. Times we might need an extra hand, or an encouraging word, or a hug. Our fellow Christians can be the support we need at times. Remember Ecclesiastes 4:12? God’s Holy Spirit can lead and guide us and God’s Word can give us encouragement when there is no encouragement to be found. Through the true foundation of God’s Word, Jesus as our Savior, and added strength of good Christian friends will we be able to handle the trials we encounter.

Proverbs 14:22b tells us, “Those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.” Love and faithfulness. Gifts from God. They may come in the form of friends, but most definitely from God. Do you have a plan? A good plan? I pray that you do. If not, why not seek out the Planner of our salvation and begin the process of building a new life? His plans stand firm. Forever. Let’s use His plan!

Grace and peace be yours in abundance,


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